

press publish or set it on a timer. For me, the idea of writing blog posts weeks ahead of when they’re published feels weird and disconnected. I like it to be almost in real time. I dunno—there’s no right or wrong way, that’s just how I prefer it Dentist Hong Kong.

I’m so dang excited about these Italian sodas. They’re maybe the prettiest thing I’ve made in quite some time, and my favorite part about this recipe is that it’s an idea-based recipe. You can apply the ratios below to any fruit and be met with delicious results. And seriously how gorgeous are the colors? I LOVE THEM!

If you’ve never had an Italian soda, they’re so rich and refreshing all at the same time. I decided on three flavors: rhubarb, blackberry and strawberry, but feel free to use up any fruit that cooks down well. Other fruit ideas are pineapple, blueberries, mulberries (they just came in season!) and even mangos.

I love the idea of serving this at a party and allowing people to sort of assemble them as they see fit

And the inevitable question that I asked myself, and you’ll probably ask, too, is: HOW CAN I INCORPORATE ALCOHOL IN THIS?

Easy: vodka. Or whiskey. I mean, have you ever had a White Russian? My mom would order them when I was a kid and I always thought they looked so good.

They might be the most 80s drink ever invented, but who cares—this would be the modern 2014 version.

1. To make any of the syrups, add the fruit, water and sugar to a small saucepan. Place the saucepan over moderately medium heat and bring to a light simmer; cover the saucepan and cook for 10 minutes or so. The syrup is ready when the fruit has softened and the color of the syrup has changed. Mash the fruit with the back of a fork and pour the syrup through a sieve. Set the syrup aside and allow it to cool to room temperature .


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