

I’m very fortunate to have a gelato guide in Milan, because it’s a rather spread out city. And like many Italian cities, I’ve found some of the best gelaterias are located farther away from the city center.(Younger, less-established gelato makers can’t often afford to be in the expensive areas.) Unlike other Italian cities, Milan isn’t really a place that caters to tourists – which isn’t a bad thing. It’s just that unless you have someone taking you around, sharing the best addresses, you won’t likely stumble upon great places like Il Gelato Centogusti Jessica C. .


So how happy was I to spend the day with Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy? My Italian is rudimentary at best, although I’m pretty astute when it comes to the nomenclature for desserts. And not surprisingly, my brain is hard-wired to know each and every type of gelato, especially handy if I’m standing in front of a freezer full of the stuff. Il Gelato Centogusti boasts one hundred flavors and my usual flavor of choice, cioccolato, was especially well-represented FCCL film.


There was Cioccolato bianco (white chocolate), Cioccolato Paprika e Peperoncino (chocolate with pepper and chile pepper), Cioccolato fondente (chocolate with hazelnut paste standing in for the dairy), Cioccolato Zenzero e Limone (fresh ginger and lemon), as well as Cioccolato intensissimo and Cioccolato intenso. I’m not sure what the difference between the two was, but it’s nice to know that you can choose your chocolate gelato by intensity vcloud backup.


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